Dear Colleagues,
At the Mantid Programme Board yesterday it was noted that the Epic to implement multiple
bounce points in the Mantid geometry framework was still lacking an owner. Without an
owner the work will not be considered further.
There is also a suggestion that the case of scanning instruments should be a separate
Epic. That would then also require a scientific owner.
If you would like to volunteer for one or other (or both!) of these, please contact Sarah
Foxley asap. The next MPB Epics Discussion will be in around 6-8 weeks.
Many thanks,
On behalf of the MPB
From: Dalgliesh, Robert (STFC,RAL,ISIS) <robert.dalgliesh(a)>
Sent: 27 November 2023 09:29
To: Manuel, Pascal (STFC,RAL,ISIS) <pascal.manuel(a)>
Cc: Schomann, Silke (STFC,RAL,ISIS) <silke.schomann(a)>uk>; Skoda, Maximilian
(STFC,RAL,ISIS) <maximilian.skoda(a)>uk>; Kinane, Christy (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
<christy.kinane(a)>uk>; Le, Duc (STFC,RAL,ISIS) <duc.le(a)>uk>;
King, Stephen (STFC,RAL,ISIS) <stephen.king(a)>uk>; Welbourn, Becky
(STFC,RAL,ISIS) <becky.welbourn(a)>uk>; Mukhopadhyay, Sanghamitra
(STFC,RAL,ISIS) <sanghamitra.mukhopadhyay(a)>uk>; Hampson, Thomas
(STFC,RAL,ISIS) <thomas.hampson(a)>uk>; Waite, Richard (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
<richard.waite(a)>uk>; Markvardsen, Anders (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
<anders.markvardsen(a)>uk>; Foxley, Sarah (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
Subject: Re: geometry in mantid
Thanks Pas,
Given the greater complexity of the reflectometry requirements I think this should be
owned by one of the NR team.
We can feed in the needs of SANS as needed.
On 26 Nov 2023, at 15:21, Manuel, Pascal (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
<<>> wrote:
Dear all,
Thank you for joining this workshop back in May where we discussed various ways to
implement complex geometries within mantid and the advantages and limitations of the
virtual source idea.
If you are still interested in implementing complex geometries within mantid, we would
need to create an EPIC to be in line with the new way of capturing and prioritizing
requirements. Each EPIC needs an "owner" from the scientific side. It is
basically a ~1-2 page document highlighting the benefits of the work to ISIS in general
and also outlining some foreseen solutions so it can be prioritized between all the
requests put in to mantid that are not BAU.
If any of the scientists on this list would like to volunteer, please drop me a line.