I know not the most exciting topic! However, the existing Terms of Reference, i.e.
is hugely out of date.
Please see
Proposed update to the MantidProgrammeBoard
terms - Oct 2024.docx for proposed updated Terms, which is ~600 words long as compared to current ~1600 words long Terms.
Motivation for doing this also is that we have new members coming in/out with Steve/Rob and Jonathan/Gui, hence a closer to reality description of this board might be helpful.
Note the wording of the Terms says that it needs approval including by the ISIS Computing Division Head (as I read it). Hence before passing it to Hannah, either before or on Thursday please don’t hesitate to provide feedback in that meeting,
here or using Word comments/track changes.
Anders Markvardsen (he/him)
Scientific Software Group Leader
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell, Oxford
OX11 0QX