Dear all,
Looking back at my notes from the prioritisation meeting last week I realised that I didn't have all the information I need. With regards the Instrument View epic which areas do we need to show the Epic to and get sign off? I want to be very clear about this to avoid any further problems with this epic.
I think it is just
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Muons
- Reflectometry
Is that correct?
They don't need to be stakeholders - just review the epic, provide feedback and once they are happy say that they agree with it.
Sarah Foxley
Mantid Team Lead and Engineering Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Phone - 01235 446938
I know not the most exciting topic! However, the existing Terms of Reference, i.e. [?docx icon] MantidProgrammeBoard.docx<…>, is hugely out of date.
Please see [?docx icon] Proposed update to the MantidProgrammeBoard terms - Oct 2024.docx<…> for proposed updated Terms, which is ~600 words long as compared to current ~1600 words long Terms.
Motivation for doing this also is that we have new members coming in/out with Steve/Rob and Jonathan/Gui, hence a closer to reality description of this board might be helpful.
Note the wording of the Terms says that it needs approval including by the ISIS Computing Division Head (as I read it). Hence before passing it to Hannah, either before or on Thursday please don't hesitate to provide feedback in that meeting, here or using Word comments/track changes.
Anders Markvardsen (he/him)
Scientific Software Group Leader
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell, Oxford
OX11 0QX
Dear all,
Anders is not available to chair the meeting on Wednesday and so I will be chairing instead with Januka leading on the Epic Board parts.
Jonathan has updated the agenda - MPB Epic Prioritisation Agenda 2024-10-09<…>
We have 1 Epic in the Implementing (Persevere) column and a further 5 in the Analyzing column to decide whether or not to continue with. If you can therefore take a look at these before the meeting to help speed up discussions on the day? Remember you will be able to ask Richard questions about the Bragg Peak Epic in the Implementing (Persevere) column as part of his presentation to help with your decision making.
Sarah Foxley
Mantid Team Lead and Engineering Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Phone - 01235 446938