
Hi @mantid-builder,


We noticed your personal access token, Mantid 6.0 Instrument Updates, has an outdated format and was used to access the GitHub API on July 25th, 2022 at 09:39 (UTC) with a user-agent header of Mantid/6.0.0.


We recently updated the format of our API authentication tokens, providing additional security benefits to all our customers.


In order to benefit from this new format, please regenerate your personal access token, Mantid 6.0 Instrument Updates, using the button below.

Regenerate your personal access token

To understand more about this change and why it's important, visit


We encourage you to reset your other authentication tokens as well, or revoke any that are no longer needed. This applies to integrations (such as OAuth Apps and GitHub Apps) as well as personal access tokens. For more information on reviewing your authorized integrations, refer to


The GitHub Team



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