Hey Mantid-Error-Reporter!
A sign in attempt requires further verification because we did not recognize your device.
To complete the sign in, enter the verification code on the unrecognized device.
Device: Firefox on Linux
Verification code: 972810
If you did not attempt to sign in to your account, your password may be compromised. Visit
https://github.com/settings/security to create a new, strong password for your GitHub
If you'd like to automatically verify devices in the future, consider enabling
two-factor authentication on your account. Visit
https://docs.github.com/articles/configuring-two-factor-authentication to learn about
two-factor authentication.
If you decide to enable two-factor authentication, ensure you retain access to one or more
account recovery methods. See
https://docs.github.com/articles/configuring-two-factor-authentication-reco… in
the GitHub Help.
The GitHub Team